News & UpdatesDonations for UnitePageVA
We appreciate any and all dontions for our cause. Checks can be made out to “Unite Page VA” and sent to: Unite Page VA PO Box 241 Luray, VA 22835 We are currently just raising operating funds but we intend to donate any surplus to local charities that work to support...
Kickoff Event
WOW, our kickoff event was outstanding. We had a great turnout and made many connections among like minded people who join us in "Defending Every Right to Be" Thanks to the hard work of our Steering Committee and soon to be Board we now have...
First Event Held
Yesterday the UnitePageVA Steering Committee did what we do best...Brunch! Our very first outing was set up to thank all the hard working people who have been meeting and building this organization. Sorry we could not have everyone, we were limited to the number of...