I don’t know about you, but for me, it is absolutely amazing how fast time has flown. It seems we were just bundling up and trying to stay warm and now we are preparing for Spring and the hopes of once again enjoying the grandeur and adventure of outdoors in the Luray Valley and supporting our local businesses that are supportive of us!

The board met in January and has started to plot out a calendar for 2024. I think we have some fun events already in the works – but we cannot do them without your help and participation!  All our events are volunteer conceived and run – most are free or only have a small fee to participate.

We need YOUR HELP to make sure our events are a success. If you have an idea for an event, or can volunteer to help run an event, PLEASE contact us at Info@UnitepageVA.org. We look forward to hearing from you, and even better, SEEING you at an event in 2024!

We are also continuing to look forward to a bright future for a group that promotes equality, advocacy, and education around the LGBTQ community in and around Page County. Unite Page VA (UPVA) has three primary goals:

  • Welcome and embrace Equality in all persons
  • Educate ourselves and our neighbors on areas important to us as the LGBTQ community
  • Have fun doing the first two!

We strive to welcome all members of the community, our friends, and our families too. We are excited for opportunities to meet you as well as to listen to you and have fun gathering together as a community!

UPVA strives to be a safe place for all of us to be… Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, Queer and Questioning, our Allies, our Friends and hopefully our families. For those who do not have family, we hope we will become your chosen family.

Stay tuned to Facebook and favorite this website because as we build new events and activities, they will be published in both places. We want you to know and take part with us!

Here’s to seeing you at some time in 2024,
Don – President UPVA